Today's Lesson to Be Learned: Giving Thanks No Matter What
Have you ever just had one of those days? One of those weeks? Maybe one of those quarters, semesters, or years? A couple of weeks ago I was having one of those weeks...certain things just haven't gone right no matter how hard I wish for them to.

So here is the story: We got a new car (new to us anyway) and a 1/2 of a day after having it the engine light came on, we took it to the shop, they fixed something and a day and half later the light was on again, we took it back to the shop they fixed something else, and a day and half later the light was on again, we took it back to the shop and this time they kept it for awhile...after a week in the shop, two major fixes, and several hundred dollars later they have solved what has been going on.
Now I am a relatively "go with the flow" kind of gal. I don't get ruffled very easily and I usually am able to handle life's little bumps in the road. And I was doing really good the first couple of days. But the last time we took it to the shop I wasn't handling it as well as I usually do, in fact it was pretty tough on me. My stomach ached, my appetite changed, I didn't sleep well; all from the unknown of what in the world it was going to be, how much was it going to cost, how were we going to swing it if it was an exorbitant amount of money...I just wasn't handling it well at all. I found myself not just frustrated with the car situation but with other stuff as well, things that didn't have anything to do with the car at all. I would vent to the Lord, I would vent to my husband, I would vent to my mom but really what I needed to do was just give Him thanks.

Thanks for what you might ask. I wasn't thanking Him for the car repairs or for my bad attitude but I needed to get into an attitude of gratitude for my outlook to change. So I started thanking God for the fact the car was getting fixed and that He has given us provision to fix it. Thanks that no matter how I
feel at any given time my feelings are temporary and subject to change and I don't have to be ruled by them. Thanks for a beautiful support system of people who love me right where I am at. Thanks for things not really being that bad. Thanks for the ability to yank myself up by my boot straps and deal with it.
Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 we are instructed to
"Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will]." Thank God
in everything, in every circumstance, no matter what. How hard is that to do sometimes? Think of all the things we go through in this journey we call life; things much more difficult than car repairs; things that break our hearts, things that hurt or cause confusion, the things that make us rely all the more on the grace and love of our Savior. But the Word is clear, we are to thank Him at all time, in all things, no matter what.

I find when I am struggling in one area I can become easily frustrated in other areas, all in one day I cried about the car and then in the next sentence I was crying about the struggle with my weight. Neither have a single thing to do with the other but I felt vulnerable, uncertain, dissatisfied, and frustrated and it bled out into other areas of my life. So I did the only thing I have control over because I couldn't fix the car, and I can't immediately replace the money it took to fix it, and I can't wake up in my "dream" body tomorrow, but I can cast those cares on Him and let Him help me work through it.
So I started to thank Him in the midst of the struggle when I was being pulled, and tested, and my heart was troubled. Instead of complaining and venting and wondering and worrying I began to give thanks to Him. I went to my Rock, my Shelter, my Comforter, my Peace and let Him do what He does best...calm me down, clear my head, give me the correct perspective, restore my joy, and establish my peace.

John 14:27 says
"Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled]." I
LOVE this scripture. What an amazing gift I have been given...
HIS peace, not my own, which fails me so easily, but
HIS peace which is constant, perfect, and amazing. So I am walking out the learning of this I have walked out before in a different manner. Don't we all have to do this in our lives? Some lessons have to be learned over and over again. So I am learning it again through this silly experience one we all have to go through in life many times over; car repairs, wanting something we don't already have, and learning to be thankful for what our life is right now in this place. Today you will find me resting in His peace, the peace He promised me. And you will find me thankful...thankful for Him, for my hubby, for my mom, for it not being as bad as all that, for His provision, for His gifts to me, for His incredible, indescribable goodness to me. I am thanking Him no matter what because He is worthy of my gratitude, and in my gratefulness is my peace, my healing, and my assurance.
Rest easy, sister. Good word!