We all start new beginnings many times in life. Several times I have started something new only to not finish it, to get frustrated and stop early, or to work hard to find success, only to fall short. But in all those starts I have found one universal truth, it is better to start and fall short than to not start at all.
I have worked to lose weight since I was in 4th grade, this was the first time I became aware of the fact I was a little bigger than everyone else. While with some encouragement and self esteem building, I probably would have been okay. I instead turned to food for comfort and found myself ensnared by a habit that hurt more than it helped.
So I recently started a journey again, I am working to lose weight, get healthy and have a lifestyle that is full of good choices. I am determined to succeed this time, I am determined to not get frustrated and quit early, I am determined to see it through until the end. I know I can do it, I know it will be hard, I know I will get frustrated, I know I will have victories and I know I will have set backs but I have started again and I am not going to stop this time, not until my outside more closely resembles what I see of myself on the inside.
Stay tuned...the journey will be amazing...and I am purposed to find joy in every part of it.
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